The Seventh Circuit has added its voice to a growing circuit split on Rule 23(c)(4) issue classes. In Jacks v. DirecSat USA, LLC—a long-running class action alleging wage and hour violations by DirectSat satellite service technicians—that court weighed in on the scope of Rule 23(c)(4) and its interplay with Rule 23(b). Jacks v. DirectSat USA, LLC, __ F.4th __, 2024 WL 4380256 (7th Cir. Oct. 3, 2024).
Jacks had a lengthy procedural history. After initially certifying a Rule 23(b)(3) class, the District Court decertified it following a 2013 Seventh Circuit decision. Id. at *2. Thereafter, the District Court certified “fifteen liability-related issues to proceed on a classwide basis under Rule 23(c)(4).” Id. Nearly four years later, the case was assigned to a new judge. Id. at *3. Three years after that, defendants moved to decertify the issue classes. Id. The new judge agreed, decertifying the issue classes because “defendants’ liability [could not] be determined on a classwide basis” and so the classes did not satisfy Rule 23(b)(3). Id. Continue Reading What’s the Issue? Seventh Circuit Clarifies Scope of Rule 23(c)(4) Issue Classes